2 S. Pacific Street
Dillon, MT 59725
Tel: (406) 683-3700 ext. 3718
Beaverhead County Detention Center
Someone you know arrested in Dillon, Montana (Beaverhead County), and you need to find out if they are still in the detention center of Dillon jail? Use this simple tool to find an inmate. Click the “Beaverhead County Jail Roster” button and you’ll be forwarded to the Beaverhead County Detention center jail roster listing of current inmates.
This is a free Beaverhead County jail roster! If you don’t see the inmate you’re looking for, chances are that defendant has been released or moved to another facility. Check with your Montana Bail Bondsman or your attorney.

Beaverhead County Jail Roster
Inmate Visitation Hours:
Fridays: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Beaverhead County Detention Visitation Policy
The Beaverhead County Detention Center will allow visitation on Wednesdays and Fridays. Visitation will be between 1PM and 4PM on an hourly or half-hourly basis. Visitors must call to schedule visitation between the hours of 8AM and 12PM prior to the day of visitation. Visitation is on a first come first serve basis.
All Visitors are entering a secure facility and are subject to search by wand and/or pat-down.
Visitation may be cancelled at any time. Cancellation must be approved by the Sheriff, Undersheriff, or Jail Commander. If visitation is to be cancelled, Detention Officers must make an effort, when appropriate, to contact scheduled visitors and notify them prior to their appointments.
Beaverhead County Inmate Visitor Rules and Guidelines
Visitors may be denied visitation by the Sheriff or Jail Commander if their presence may be detrimental to the inmate or pose any risk to the safety and security of the facility. Previous contacts with law enforcement may be taken into consideration.
- Visitors with any Felony charge (Pending or Convicted) on their criminal history will be denied
- Visitors must be 18 years of age or older
- Visitors may only have the following when entering the facility:
- Government issued ID
- A reasonable number of piercings and/or jewelry
- Proper Clothing
- Visitors must lock any other items in the provided lockers of the Sheriff Office
Visitors must be clothed appropriately and remain appropriately clothed throughout the visit.
When visiting an inmate at the Beaverhead County Detention Facility, keep in mind that what you wear (or don’t wear) may get you barred from visitation. Please read the following list of what you can and cannot wear at this jail:
- NO Spandex pants or Tops
- NO Skirt or Dresses shorter than Knee Height
- NO Transparent Clothing (Anything revealing clothing or body beneath)
- NO Skirts or Dresses that Button or Snap in the front or back, or that wrap around
- NO Shawls, Ponchos or Vests
- NO Shorts with slits or opening higher than half way between knee and hip
- NO Shirt or top less than 3” below belt line
- NO Low-cut tops, Sleeveless tops, or Cutoff Tops
- Female Visitors Must wear a bra at all times
- NO Bib Overalls
- NO Coats, Trench Coats, Or large Jackets
- NO Phones or other electronics
- NO Weapons (including any knife)
- NO Tight Clothing that reveals the shape of body or undergarments
Visitation Will Be Denied for The Following
- Refusal to Comply with search
- Being Under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol
- Reasonable Suspicion of being Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol
- Failure to provide Identification
- Giving false identification or false information
- Violation of any Rule or Policy
- Improper or Disorderly Conduct
- Restriction of Inmate Visitation Privileges
- Violation of any Law
- Introducing or attempting to introduce contraband
- Improper physical or visible contact with an inmate
- Harassment of, or indecent contact with, any Sheriff’s Office staff
- Failure to comply with officer orders or directives
Any Visitor who has previously been denied by the Sheriff or Jail Commander for any violation of this policy may be suspended from visiting indefinitely or permanently.
Legal or Attorney Visits
Any Legal or Attorney Visits will be granted as special visits.
- Only Attorneys, Law Enforcement, or Representatives of the State will be allowed Legal Visits.
- All Legal visits should take place between the hours of 8A.M. and 12PM and between 1PM and 5PM on normal business days, when possible.
- Legal visits should be scheduled 24hrs in advance and scheduling conflicts of the Detention Center taken into consideration.
- All reasonable precautions to ensure confidentiality of Legal visits should be taken. No documentation shall be read by Detention Staff. Visits may be
visually observed when necessary to ensure safety but may not be overheard, recorded, or audibly monitored in any fashion. - Legal visits may take place in areas outside of the Detention Center when necessary and available
Religious Visits for Inmates
- Religious Visits will be considered as confidential visits.
- Religious Visits must be held in the visitation rooms of the Detention Center.
Cities Using The Beaverhead County Detention Facility
Incorporated Cities in Beaverhead County to Find Inmates
Dell, Dillon, Glen, Jackson, Lima, Polaris, Wisdom, Wise River